
No dad should feel alone

This is a place to share stories. To encourage growth and acceptance of who we are as fathers, I promise to go first. Vulnerability and courage go hand in hand, and I believe that trust happens first. I’m going to share my story here – all of it – for as long as I can.

And it’s going to be on purpose

901Dad exists to be the catalyst for creating a community of dads that encourages willful vulnerability within the adventure of fatherhood, employing empathy as a guide, seeking beauty as the adventure unfolds, and deciding to become a dad worth choosing.


Because men are conditioned to stuff their feelings and hide their insecurities which is harmful to fathers and fathers-to-be.

Because dads don’t have an unbounded network where they can seek support or advice without fear of judgement or rejection.

Because fatherhood is an emotional, terrifying, unexpected adventure.

Because no dad is alone, no matter how alone they may feel.

Because we need to become dads worth choosing.

By signing up for 901 Dad, you could be taking the first step of many to becoming a dad worth choosing. Join dads like you on an adventure like no other – committing to being willfully vulnerable and finding beauty in the many joys of fatherhood.

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