

901Dad is a place to share stories. It’s an opportunity to learn, to become. There’s an old saying, “You can’t choose your family.” And it couldn’t be more true for our kids – they don’t choose us, and yet they are ours. Through the process of sharing stories, learning to love yourself, and digging deeper into your story before, you can become a dad worth choosing.

Robert Gibbs - the 901 Dad

My name is Robert and I’m a millennial dad – born, raised, and educated in Memphis, TN. I’m the proud dad of two beautiful boys and two kids I never got to meet. Miscarriage is part of my story – my adventure to fatherhood. It’s why I started writing in the first place.

I had to challenge my own masculinity, my beliefs about what it meant to be a dad, and decide to become the man I am today. The problem: I had no idea where to start…

In the midst of my internal battle with fear, insecurity, and rejection, I started an email account for my first born. I couldn’t have known then that writing letters to a kid I hadn’t met yet would be the catalyst for the life altering work I’ve done since.

Why 901Dad?

In March of 2019, I bought a website. I realized that I couldn’t be the only dad struggling with self doubt and fear of the adventure of fatherhood. 

The purpose of 901 dad is to highlight some of the tough realities of fatherhood, share stories from my own adventure, show dads how to love themselves, and teach them how to understand their story before – all to help them become a dad worth choosing.

As men we are conditioned to stuff our feelings and hide our insecurities. At 901Dad, you’re going to discover how leadership, empathy, and vulnerability are the perfect tools to redefine yourself and become the dad your kids deserve. No matter where you are in your own adventure, it’s never too late to take the first step. Start now.